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Lunar Gaga

Melissa Greener

Observations on Lady Gaga’s Natal Lunar Phase & Her Lunar Nodes Assignment

Lady Gaga’s Moon Phase in interpretation: It feels very satisfying to approach the interpretation of Lady Gaga’s birthchart by way of her Disseminating Moon. Even if they were not written all throughout her birthchart, the characteristics of Gaga’s disseminating phase – teaching, reaping, maturity and communication – are written all over her life. The obvious appointment is to her writing and performing her music, but more so, her courageous speaking out about her struggles with physical and mental health issues. It is those very issues which have catalyzed her consistent advocacy work for disenfranchised, shamed and shunned groups such as LGBTQ+ youth. She has said in interviews that she felt as though her role as a world-famous singer and artist is merely a platform from which to publicly support, fight, and voice the inequities and treatment of those marginalized groups. Her Moon in the Mars-ruled 6th House of work, and in robust proximity to Pluto and the South Node, gives that dissemination a fierce determinism to break free from old patterns.

© Melissa Greener & Waxing AstroLogic; October 5, 2020 Originally submitted for Kepler College Professional Certification in Natal Astrology


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